أيقونة اللغز

حل المشكلات

Enjoys analyzing and solving problems. Prefers observing, thinking and understanding information. Likes to work with DATA.


المجتمع والخدمة الاجتماعية
المجتمع والخدمة الاجتماعية

أضواء ذات صلة

Festus Ohan
Gladeo reporter Katelyn interviews Festus, a former foster youth and talks about his career as an Anesthesiologist.
Marlene Laguna, Medical Assistant
Gladeo reporter Katelyn interviews Marlene, a medical assistant who finished a program at TCAT Jackson.
Gladeo reporter Katelyn interviews Rafael about how rewarding a physician career is.
Typical Day
Gladeo reporter Katelyn interviews Rafael about his typical day as a physician.
Rafael Torres thumbnail
Gladeo reporter Katelyn interviews Rafael about his career as a physician.
Sonya Nielsen welder
Gladeo reporter Katelyn interviews Sonya about the advice she can give to young women pursuing a career in welding.